Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Proctor

John Proctor is a complicated character. His past has a questionable period, when he presently had intentions of being a good man. Is he a hero, or is he a stooge?  In my opinion hero is the wrong word, hero is used to describe someone who overcomes problems or a hardships. Nor is john a stooge though he may have acted foolishly he did believe in his actions. In my mind John Proctor is a good guy who was stuck in a hard spot. Partly due to the community he lived in as well as his own actions. John Proctor, not hero nor stooge, just a man.


  1. I liked the way you portrayed him to not be some special, but just as a regular man in a weird society that makes him seem like the weird one.

  2. I think you had a great idea about Proctor. I would just want to know more of the why, why was he regular?
